Our winter driving course is open to graduates of our general crash prevention training and/or drivers with at least 5 years of road experience.  The program only focuses on a few of the concepts introduced in our general training, but allows for participants to:

Winter/Snow Class Alerts

To be alerted when a winter/snow class is going to be offered you can sign up for notifications here:

I have completed In Control's Crash Prevention 101*
  • Appreciate the impact of snow tires by comparing same make/model vehicles with & without winter tires

  • Utilize their own vehicle in a safe environment with an instructor by their side in order to prepare for how that vehicle behaves in snow

  • Set reasonable expectations about what vehicles can and cannot do in adverse conditions

Note:  Our winter/snow classes require a unique weather situation and timing.  We will not start a class until it's safe for people to travel to us.  As a result, if temperatures fluctuate classes may not be possible.  Too much snow or not enough will also impact our ability to train.  Finally, we prioritize pre-existing classes and are forced to remove snow if a group is already signed up just after a storm comes through.